Sunday 4 March 2012

in my absence

I know its been way too long since I've blogged but heres whats been happening in my corner of the world.
Oh what a hectic month October was in our house. Three birthdays, MotoGP at Phillip Island and back to Melbourne at the end to see the specialist.Not to mention that our youngest daughter  has tonsillitis again and they're still not going to take them out. This her 9th time shes had tonsillitis  since the start of the year. so over it. November wasn't much better. Charlotte was so sick with tonsillitis they were going to admit her to hospital to have them out as an emergency surgery if her temperature didn't go down. it stayed at 39.9 for two and a half days. The doctor finally got us a date to have her operation quicker than what she otherwise would've had to wait to have it. After constantly  being on antibiotics since October ,December  finally came  and on the 6th she had her much long awaited operation to remove her adnoids and tonsils. This didn't go as planned.The hospital didn't have any panadol that she wasn't allergic to. Then the dr prescribed an antibiotic that she was allergic to so I went back to get another script for antibiotics only for him to give me a script for the same one he had given her in  hospital. As a result she ended up with a extremely bad infection and both ears infected. So it was back on antibiotics until new years .With one very sick little 4 year old girl I had to get things organized for my sister-in-law and her family that came and stayed with us for a week before Christmas . I also had my sons graduation from grade 6 and my oldest daughters graduation from middle years college where she finished year 9. I was glad when it was over getting the dress, shoes, hair and make-up done was a huge effort with work and visitors  and a sick child. With just 3 1/2 days to Christmas I still had all my shopping to do.

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