Saturday 24 September 2011

time for a Christmas card

There hasn't been a lot on crafting going on over the last few weeks as we've all been sick with chest infections and colds. My little one also had tonsillitis again, 8 times now since february so over it.
Any way

Over the last few days I've made these two Christmas cards. The tag type card i made was for the monthly challenge they have over at the scrapville website. The other one was something i just came up with quite happy with how they both turned out. I also have made these cards over the last month or so. One is for my sister-inlaws 40th birthday and the other was for my 16th wedding anniversary .

Sunday 28 August 2011

a card to share

Here's a card that i made for my nephews birthday last week he turned 15 how time flys by. I just have to work out how to turn the photo around before I post it on the blog. Hopefully I'll be able to share a couple of more cards in the coming weeks. Until then Happy Creating Rose.

Monday 22 August 2011

Life is busy

Life at the moment has been busy lots of stuff going on. Our son had his nose operation last week then the in laws came for the weekend in amongst the usual work school and other routine that we have.I've also added to the mix these last couple of weeks doing our business tax which takes slot of time.
Despite this I've made a couple of cards one for the scrapville challenge and another for my nephews birthday I can't believe he's 15. That means it's only six weeks until my oldest turns 15 herself scary isn't it.I did take some photos to post but the don't seem to be working when I try to add them to this post so I'll have to get hubby to help me. Any way I'll try not to leave it so long between poet till next time Happy Creating Rose.

Thursday 21 July 2011

A quick update

Well I've had a pretty full on week this past week. Working, doing my tax, taking the kids here and there and even fitted in some time to make a couple of cards and a layout or to. I'm really getting into the whole scrapbooking thing something I thought I would never do. I get a lot of inspiration from the Internet with different layout designs that would suit the photos that I have. My other main passion is card making something that I have loved to do since I was a child. I don't even need to have a purpose to make a card I just make one because I want to. When there's a birthday coming up I'll make the card a month or so in advance same with any other event like when my brother and sister were expecting new babies in the same week I had made both boys and girls cards well before they were born. I think that most people really enjoy getting a handmade card as it personal to them. They know you thought of them you you were creating the card and that gives them a real joy knowing that you care about them. Soon I will be posting a few pictures of the cards that I have made. Until then Happy Creating Rose.

Monday 11 July 2011

hello and welcome to my blog

Welcome to my little piece of the web. I will be posting things from time to time that I love to do which is all things paper crafting, from card making to scrapbooking and all things in between. I hope you enjoy this blog untill next time, see ya.